Amillennialism is a view that there will be no millennium, no earthly reign of Christ, as opposed to the premillennial and some postmillennial views of the ,book of Revelation chapter 20. By contrast, the amillennial view holds that the number of years in Revelation 20 is a symbolic number, not a literal description, that the millennium has already begun and is identical with the church age (or more rarely, that it ended with the destrucion of Jerusalem in AD70and that while Christ's reign is spiritual in nature during the millennium, at the end of the church age, Christ will return in Final judgment and establish permanent physical reign.
One of the greatest strengths of Amillennialism is its simplicity: no complex sequence of events is required before the return of Christ. The "Beast," the "Mark of the Beast," and other symbols in Revelation are not applied to specific entities in the future; they represent forces at work in every generation. The Battle of Armageddon and the Final Battle before the Final Judgment are thus one event. The Judgment in Matthew 25 and the Judgment in Rev. 20:11-15 are also one event. He does not return to set up a kingdom , but to usher in the eternal state and create a new heaven and earth–the final consummation
Many of the prophecies about signs of the end in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 are generally regarded as having been fulfilled when Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 69-70. Thus, Amillennialists believe that the one, visible return of Christ may occur at any time, followed by one Judgment Day.
The weaknesses of Amillennialism is that the church age does not readily fit the Biblical descriptions of the Millennium. Isaiah 66 seems to foresee a time when "the wolf and the lamb
shall feed together," and when he who dies at age 100 will be considered to have died young. Ezekiel 47 describes a time when the Dead Sea will become a freshwater lake with fish living in it. These scenarios do not seem to describe heaven, but they do not fit church history, either.