Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The general perception and attitude of Christians toward death & What do you think should the proper respond of Christians to the issues of death?

One of particular concern to Christians is issues of death. Death is part of life. As Ecclesiastes 3:2 tells us, “there is a time to be born and a time to die”. According to Elizabeth Kubler Ross who wrote a groundbreaking book on the subject of death and dying. She noted a pattern of behavior that dying patients exhibited is SHOCK /DENIAL, ANGER,BARGAINING , DEPRESSION AND ACCEPTANCE.

This is not the general perception and attitude of Christian towards death. Psalm 23 gives the answer. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I WILL FEAR NO evil.”These familiar words of Psalm 23 chart the direction for a Christian individual or family facing the reality of death. Christians no longer fear death because of their faith in Jesus Christ. He came to die in the sinner's place, to bear the penalty of death. He was raised from the dead, so that death no longer reigns over the Christian. Death is a defeated foe. Death holds no fear for those who have faith in Christ. Paul looked at death as a deliverance, as a promotion (Philippians 1:19-26).

The sting of death and sense of God’s judgment are horrible punishments on those who have no faith in Christ as their Savior( 1 John 5:11-13). They face the end of their life, only to know an unknown future, or a terrifying vision of eternal damnation. However as a child of God our life on earth is not the end. There is hope and assurance for children of God.We cling to the promises of His Word. One of the most beautiful promises our Lord gave to us is found in John 14:2–3 where He says,“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so,would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. We realize that no matter how our lives may end in the Lord, there is one thing of which we can be absolutely certain. We shall pass from death to eternal life.

Those who have truly believed in Christ the redeemer, will not fear Christ the Judge, and will have eternal life (John 5:22- 24; Acts 17:30-31). Apostle Paul speaks in reference to his own death “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better “(Philippians 1:21-23)


Joe Iyathurai said...

dear jason, can you comment on erickson's statement that God's initially plan did not have 'death' in it.

Siew Ling said...

Hey there!

I believe God wants His children to come to terms with the fact that our life here is brief like a mist - James 4:14. All of us will have to go "home" some day to meet our Maker and give an account of our life on earth.

I believe we should respond like the Psalmist: "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Freddie Ong said...

Hi Jason,
The word 'death' strikes a fear in every person's heart. For many reasons known to them, Christians anot, we have to come to terms with that. The question I would like to hear from your opinion is that how would you persuade a Christian who is on a dying-bed who tells you that he is not ready becuase he still have unsaved loved ones that he knew means eternal separation from them?

jeromeliew said...

Jason your view upon death seem near perfect in giving a positive awakening for those who can foresee that death is near (sick, old-age).
However for those who're still living a care-free live without the knowledge and truth of death, worst for those who don't even thought of the existence of after-life when we live this earth.
For them, life on earth is just what they live for so heaven and death seem unrealistic to them.
How can we share with them about living a fruitful life on earth and approach death as a new door unto heaven.

Jonathan Tan said...

Dear bro Jason, Life is life, death is death, how can death be part of life? Please explain.

munchung said...

hey, Jason
I think generally, we as Christians know that there is a place that God has prepared for us in eternity. Besides having faith in Jesus Christ in believing that through Him we can go heaven, i wonder is there any other respond we can have or anything we can do?

ndru_c said...

Hi Jason... I just want to share one thought. As Christians, not fearing death due to our firm hope in the eternal life that we had can be a heroic occasion where God can use to glorify Himself and those who were ready for it by not fearing death and its threat. This can be a great testimony that will result in the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the message of the Gospel. One classic example of this is the life of John Hus, the Czech Protestant Reformer who was burnt at stake as a heretic. Upon being asked him to recant and thus save his life, Hus declined with the words "God is my witness that I have never taught that of which I have by false witnesses been accused. In the truth of the Gospel which I have written, taught, and preached, I will die today with gladness."

Eunicelaw said...

Hi Jason,

Death is a sensitive word to many. Only those who knows the meaning of it are well prepared. I believe that those who are having fear of death are those who do not know their doctrine well. Therefore there is a need to educate and teach Christians the real meaning of death so that they are prepared to face it and are also able to help those who fear death.

DonnyTanTW said...

Thanks Jason!
I think it's pretty clear-cut how the Christian "should" respond. But do you think there should be so much emphasis on death? How do you actually prepare someone for death? None of us have actually gone through it to share experiences. I suppose that is why we tend to only focus on what comes after that... eternal life.

Raymond Marsden said...

Dear Jason,
Yet for all your bible quotes on why we christians should not fear death,there are still some christians who terribly fear death. Please suggest some other remedy for them other than just quoting bible verses,how can we help them overcome the fear of death and what is the cause of this fear.

Freddie Ong said...

Hi Jason,
While still waiting for your opinion to my ealier comment, I would like to add further words to it. I do not doubt the scriptures on the assurance of afterlife in heaven for believers who hold on to their faith in Christ. Like Jerome commented, to certain Christians heavens on afterlife "seem unrealistic to them. Why? In my opinion, the possiblities may be due to, too focus or concern with their immediate life on earth; or even the uncetainty on what the future holds. What is your opinions and any suggestion on ways to get this people awaken into realization of eternity issues in life?

Jonathan Tan said...

Dear Jason, die, die lah! why worry? That's what Paul says; " For me to die is gain, to live is Christ!" I think many Christians have not caugth hold of what Paul is saying!

Jason said...

Hi Joe,

According to Erickson's statement that God's initially plan did not have death in it is true. God did not plan death. Death was a result of sin. If one say that God plan death then God must have plan sin too but both me and you know that it is wrong.

God bless

Jason said...

Hi bro freddie,
To answer your question "how would you persuade a Christian who is on a dying-bed who tells you that he is not ready becuase he still have unsaved loved ones that he knew means eternal separation from them"?

As for me i think, the person who is dying is more important then his love one. it is important for me to counsel and and be with him especially when he is on his dying bed.

I will advice him not to worry about his loved ones because surely God will send His servants to minister to his loved ones.

I am sure that the person who is dying have prayed for his loved one to be saved.I will encourage him that none of his prayers have gone for a waste. surely God have heard that prayer, surely in God's timing, the children will know Jesus as personal Saviour.

as for me, the salvation of the dying Christian is more important. To give assurance and hope.

God bless

Jason said...

Hi bro Jonathan,

Yes my bro Jonathan, Life is life and death is death but without life there no death and without death there is no life.

The statement stated in the blog"death be part of life" can be said; one is being born into this world will actually one day die. that's what i mean, death is a part of life here on earth.

Eunicelaw said...

Hi Jason,

Death is a time many would be waiting for, a time to go back home and be free from all the worldly worries. But how many of us are prepared to face it.

Jason said...

Hi bro raymond,

Thanks for your comment. In response to the issue that there are some if not most of the Christians who fear and dread death, I would like to suggest something that would probably sound quite stunning to you.

If we look back in history to the time of the apostles, most Christians did not share a view on death similar to ours today. The reason for this I believe is that they lived their lives on earth as if it was temporary. As much as I dread saying this, I feel as if I must. The believers today do not share their views on life and correspondingly they simply cannot share their views on death.

I think I won't be wrong in saying that we live in this world as if we will never die. This has led an actor to tell a preacher i the States that " the difference between you people and us is that we can take something so fake and present it so real whereas you can take something so serious and present it like someone telling a fiction.The apostles lived through very hard times and they waited eagerly for the return of the Lord whereas we are so afraid of His return.

Therefore, brother, in closing I can only say that the solution for this is not in some sort of motivational speech or something else. The solution for this lies in our heart. If we don't live daily solely for Him this confidence of facing death will not be with us. We can put on a great show on the outside but we can not deceive our own selves. It is no wonder that the writings of the apostles are so foreign to us. For truly when one struggles to carry the cross everyday in his life can we truly find an identification with the words of Paul: for me to live is Christ and for me to die is gain.

Jason said...

Hi bro freddie,
To answer your question "how would you persuade a Christian who is on a dying-bed who tells you that he is not ready becuase he still have unsaved loved ones that he knew means eternal separation from them"?

As for me i think, the person who is dying is more important then his love one. it is important for me to counsel and and be with him especially when he is on his dying bed.

I will advice him not to worry about his loved ones because surely God will send His servants to minister to his loved ones.

I am sure that the person who is dying have prayed for his loved one to be saved.I will encourage him that none of his prayers have gone for a waste. surely God have heard that prayer, surely in God's timing, the children will know Jesus as personal Saviour.

as for me, the salvation of the dying Christian is more important. To give assurance and hope.

God bless

Jonathan Tan said...

Dear all, I am glad that eventually: "14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire." (Rev. 20:14) No more death at His Second Coming, Lord, please come quickly! Hallelujah! Maranatha!